Tuesday, November 18, 2008

She's pretty.

Is it wrong to post a photo of a pretty girl on a bicycle just because I like how she looks? This one's wearing jeans and a t-shirt; so, I think I was taken with her scarf and trendy glasses. She's also riding in the rain.


Manuel Pereira da Silva said...

This is fantastic!!!
I hop it becames fashion...

Adrienne Johnson said...

May I suggest you submit this photo to the informal competition at Copenhagen Cycle Chic


silly word verification- consup

'They were not sure if her death was the result of consup or ennui'.:)

Man said...

"Is it wrong to post a photo of a pretty girl on a bicycle just because I like how she looks?"

I answer wholeheartedly "Of course not!!! "
- for beauty is meant to be admired and shared whenever possible.

... not to mention a primary reason I visit your blog is to the the beauties on two wheels (ideally in skirts/dresses).

BTW Love your new home page image.

- man