Monday, March 21, 2005

This just in: Partying Embryo Makes Mom Sick

My friend K, mentioned in an earlier posting, sent this posting out to her single mom's listserv and shared it with me too:

Associated Press, March 14, 2005: Doctors at Long Island College
Hospital were astounded by the rapidly beating heart in a Brooklyn
woman's seven and a half week embryo this Monday. At about 160 beats
per minute, it surpassed all expectations, indicating a rather wild
party going on in there. K, the woman hosting this
industrious young embryo, commented that she was "amazed to see it
going so fast. Just last week it was only 126. No wonder I've been
so sick!" Studies suggest that embryos exhibiting such behavior at
this age have a survival rate greater than 95 percent. Although Ms.
K is finding the embryo's partying to be a bit of a hardship
in the short run, she acknowledged that the suffering would be worth
it if the embryo is just signaling its intent to become a fetus and
in so doing ease up a bit on its host. Noting that none of her
previous tenants had partied this much or caused her this much
discomfort, Ms. K said that she nonetheless did have a
preference for a stronger embryo, and would be pleased to extend
this tenant's lease for another seven and a half months. Doctors
expect that the embryo will accept her offer.

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