Thursday, March 24, 2005

How Lilia lost her groove

I don't know what it is. It could be lots of things: losing Judy, trying to date, the weather, the season, general fatigue, or some perverse combination. But I am off track. My drawings are stinking more than usual (maybe that's my expectations of myself; I did get an A at midterm, though that has nothing to do with the quality of the work). I think I might be failing French (just like in HS; what gives?). I feel crappy.

The good news is that my project did not get cancelled at work (and it came close); my apartment is pretty clean; I am fond of my friends. So, that makes me think that it's a brain chemistry issue. That's what Alison says.

But more importantly, how do I get it back? I don't think some sexy young Jamaican man it going to do the trick (like it did for Stella). I swore off (much) younger men anyway. I'm thinking I need to do more yoga, get more exercise, finish things, surround myself with beauty and laughter. The TV, amazingly, is telling me to drink more water. I think I'll try that too.

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