Sunday, March 27, 2005

Self-assessment/body image

So, I took this public speaking class yesterday, and I found it incredibly helpful(! It's on-camera coaching with an outline of what makes a good (general word used intensionally) speaker. I had a few basic issues with being taped, like I think my hips look too big straight on, so I usually try to put one foot in front of the other or take a wide stance to change that appearance. I also think I look fat, and all that.

As a slight digression, I was at this party with Gabe the other month. The music was fine, and the drinks free, and before too long I was dancing up a storm (while he was chatting up the hot little chicas). I danced for a while with this guy. We were having a great time. Near the end, he said in my ear (because otherwise I would not have been able to hear him over the music), "you are super cute.... you are exactly twice as cute as you think you are." I laughed it off because I thought he was trying to chat me up and I wasn't interested in him in that way.

I know I have a pretty face, good shoulders, a nice long back, beautiful arms, a Jennifer-Lopez butt, and that these are good things. I weigh about what I should. But I didn't realized how little confidence I had in the whole package until I watched this tape we made yesterday. I AM exactly twice as cute as I thought I was. My little party friend told the truth!

I even thought my public speaking was much worse than it actually is. Sure, I say too many "um"s (and apparently I say "actually" too much). Sure, I struggle to stand still. But I have a good loud voice, an animated style, and I am cute as hell.

Self-flattery is grossly under-rated in our society!

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