Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Presidential Elections, 2004

Someone on NPR: “I admire the people of Ukraine for standing up against voter fraud” or something like that."

Why don’t Americans do that? Are we so fat and complacent that we don’t care as long as no one bothers us? I am also a little uncomfortable to the messages of the Ukraine election. Sure, the people chose the west over Russia, but aren’t there any domestic policies of importance? Someone else said that Ukraine is to Russia like Canada is to the US. We never think about them or when we do it is “oh that sweet little socialist country to the north”. Rumor has it the Canadians think about how much they hate us every single day.

I am sure I do not understand the complexities of Ukrianian politics, and the news media, by definition, simplifies, but in a country that is actually able to stand up against voter fraud, I wish the issue were greater than, “we want cut our ties with Russia and have the Europeans economy exploit us instead.” Just like I wish American voters responded to issues more important than lowering their tax payments and which politician has the cutest accent.

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