Sunday, January 30, 2005

my fabulous weekend

I have received some complaints about my neglect of the blog. So, I am going to try to write something. It appears that my lifestyle is changing, as for the last few days I have had to get up early and live a schedule much more like that of someone participating in the economy. Alas. All good things must come to an end.

Starting from this moment and moving backward, I spent a magnificent day hiking Mt Tam in Marin County with Alison. The beauty here is unbelievable. As Alison said over and over, this is why we live here. I can’t imagine anything structural (other than fewer roads, but that is a small matter in the context of our topography) that could be different and more beautiful. I am always blown away by the high rolling hills, the Pacific Ocean, The Bay, and the white shimmer of The City’s buildings all bundled up together the way they are here.

Meanwhile I watch things like the Central Freeway going back up, all the people driving all over the place for no apparent reason, as I weave through traffic trying not to get myself killed today, and the enormous amount of garbage (but, thank dog, no shit, more on this in another post, past and future) on the streets, and I can’t help but think that we do not deserve this place. With all that in mind, I still find the stark light and the language a bit too facile. I love this place like a child, like a parent, like a friend, but not like a lover.

That having been said, I have been thinking lately that I don’t need a lover. I mean in the long-term, literally, not figuratively. Lots of people live long full lives without them. Maybe I can live a selfish life (in the micro, not macro, sense). It wasn’t what I had in mind for myself, but it can be just as romantic in its own way. I find myself incredibly entertaining, if not challenging, and I can flexible about where my happiness comes from. Think about it. B’s sister divorced her second husband without ever learning how to open a bottle of wine. I know how to open a bottle of wine, tap a keg, mix about a million different kinds of cocktail. Hell, I should be a licensed bar tender. And living with another person just means your apartment gets twice as dirty in half the time. I am having a great time the way things are.

Yesterday, I helped Gabriel cast his latest film project, “The Sex Movie” which will be about gender identity and society. I met about 40 actors, mostly incredibly beautiful and utterly charming. It turns out I went to high school with 2 of them. I loved seeing how well they were doing. I am curious to see how the project evolves.

Today is my father’s birthday. He turns 76. Next month he is getting a knee replacement. I am actually quite worried about it. Anyway, the reason I am telling you this is that last night I celebrated with him over Chinese takeout and pleasant conversation. We managed to avoid any of the topic that cause strife, like the role of the automobile in society, cities and density, society and partnering, women or the human condition.

I’ve covered the last 36 hours, and I’m already exhausted with so much more to cover. Having an interesting life is such a big responsibility, and living at all obligates me to have one, so…. Anyway, I will catch you up on the rest another time. Thanks for listening.

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