Wednesday, January 05, 2005

on starting, continuing, and returning to things

French conversation group went well. Tim and Grace are both much stronger speakers than I am, but that just means I have a lot to learn from them. In 2 weeks we will meet again to play Taboo. Hurray!

I went to Yoga class today for the first time in 6 months or more. Boy, it kicked my butt! That stuff is hard. Granted, it was a “power yoga” class, the kind I used to prefer. Maybe I am getting old or maybe I am just out of shape, but I am no longer sure I am up for that kind of exercise.

There is something really strange about this culture. Everyone is on some kind of crazy diet and obsessed with fitness. Even the most low-key, non-physical-seeming people I know are training for triathlons. Why? By contrast, every French person I know looks lovely and thin, and they seem to eat whatever they want, and I have never heard them talk about physical training. It just seems more natural.

I’ve signed up for internet personals again. This time, I am going to do it differently in the following ways: 1) manage my time invested in it, 2) don’t take it personally – everyone is looking for something in particular. It doesn’t matter if at any point they decide that that is not me. By definition, I am not looking for them either. 3) be completely honest.

A strangely relevant quote I heard on NPR the other day (source unknown):
“90% of everything is crap.”

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