Sunday, November 21, 2004

La Vie Parisienne

Last night was... I'll start with "overbooked". Mido had 5 tickets to this comedic opera, including one for me. J&G's friend Frank was throwing a going away party for them. Tina, an american friend from language school, was having her birthday party. Christian was in town, and it was Ally's last weekend in Paris. For some reason (Juliette) I got the idea that the play would end around 9:30, giving me enough time to go to Montmartre, say happy birthday to Tina (meet Christian there, and say goodbye to Ally), and then on to Frank's to help send J&G off properly.

La Vie Parisienne seemed to be a large-scale excuse for a peep-show. I haven't ever been exposed to so much t&a, except maybe at one of Tracey's parties. Also, I could not understand what was going on. I feel frustrated that my French is not coming along faster (and it seems like other people do too), and the show emphasized it. Mido said that the story was just an excuse for... "a lot of underware?" I suggested. As far as I could tell all the men were lecherous fools with bad intensions and I couldn't keep the female characters apart. While all the men were trying to get laid the whole time, the women seemed only to lap up the attention and not have any needs of their own. These kinds of stereotypes are the foundation of what is wrong with gender-relations in western society.

It ended at 11. I rushed over to Tina's, but I couldn't find it (wandering the windy street of Montmartre in the pouring rain) or get through on anyone's mobile. At midnight, I gave up (the metro stops running at 12:30) because if there was any chance of making it to Frank's before the party ended, I had to get there. At least that part worked. I made it to Frank's, and we stayed late and took a taxi home. Frank is apparently a connoisseur of high quality rum, so I had a few yummy tropical-tasting drinks. Hurray!

Today, the air is a fog-bank, which doesn't so much make me feel at home (bc it is like SF) as exacerbate my bad mood. Il fait froid. Je ne suis pas contente.

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