Friday, January 11, 2008

Photography and Heartbreak

The majority of all art is about love and heartbreak. My friends and I have been playing with this little online game that compares movie tastes, and I am generally in agreement with them on most subjects except love where I am either too sappy or too cynical. It's unclear. I did notice that I dislike most of the romantic movies they asked me about (The Notebook, 50 First Dates, Love Actually; ones I did like: Hitch and Mean Girls). I get a lot of flack for this blog being all about relationships, but I don't think that's the same thing. I'm interested in how people get along and not so much their feelings about each other (too mysterious to bother with!).

So, I was getting ready to leave my apartment, and I realized that the memory card on my camera was full. The solution is easy: change cards. But first I have to check if the "extra" card isn't full too due to some past, similar cleverness. And Yikes! It contained a bunch of photos from a 2006 camping trip with my boyfriend at the time. It also contained some originals of photos that have sold successfully at the gallery -- originals I should have!

As fate would have it, this is all happening the company of someone I'm seeing now. While he was very understanding, it was consistent with his agenda to encourage me to delete the whole lot (further wiping out that ex). That's what he suggested. But, as I mentioned, I need some of those originals. Others contained images of me that I particularly like (along with other undesirables).

I sat at the gallery last night. It was pretty awesome as I had 3 sales including one of my own pieces. (I only have 2 pieces up right now!) Gallery sitting is otherwise boring. I usually bring stuff to do. Last night, I edited those photos.

In Friends, Janice tells Chandler that she cut him out of all her photos. She offers him the remaining bag many many of his little heads. Digital photography has the advantage of nothing being left over -- they never exist materially -- so I don't have a bag of heads, arms, hands.... But the remaining images do reflect the feeling if missing that I had most of last year. If I was still in art school, I might print these up on large panels for some kind of semi-conceptual self-portrait.

1 comment:

Kristin Tieche said...

Yikes is right! I like this idea of the negative space in these photos for a new art project for you.