Monday, March 03, 2008


My friends love tv shows about teenagers: My So-called Life, Buffy, Gilmore Girls, etc. I liked the first season of Veronica Mars. The OC had me on board for about 5 minutes. So, I'm not sure if I believe what I am about to say. I don't like teenagers.

I don't know any teenagers. But I was trying once again to enjoy a show someone I respect likes, and I had trouble living in that world. Hating teenagers is the only conclusion I can come up with bc, afterall, I hated being a teenager so much it seems an obvious conclusion.

Teenagers are boring. I was boring as a teenager. I can't bring myself to care about what people are saying about them at school or whether or not they should have sex. Do it. Have sex. Try drugs. Get pregnant. Be a cheerleader. Go to Juvie. Become prom queen. Just please keep it to yourself. I don't want to hear about it bc none of it is going to matter in a few years. We'll all have trouble remembering those glory days, thank goodness.

I'm sending my kids to boarding school in France on their 13th Birthdays. I'll talk with them on the phone and spend solid quality time with them in summer, but I don't want to be there every day when every little thing is so incredibly important. And I don't want to watch tv about it either.

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