Saturday, March 01, 2008

Critical-Mass Style

We sometimes feel a bit frustrated. Stylish cyclists must be everywhere, but we can't be everywhere all at once taking their pictures. To address this issue, we had the idea to go where cyclists congregate, in this case, Critical Mass. This is cheating, of course, bc the whole idea is to capture stylish cyclists in the natural habitat. People wear special clothes for Mass. At the same time, the very important Leap Year Mass Vogue was worth documenting.

I rode up with this guy (in green) and was so happy to have the opportunity to record his look once we arrived at Justin Herman Plaza.

When I asked if I could take her picture, the lady in the pink dress said "Yes, that's why I came!"
I replied: "We've been looking for each other."

Of course, there were lots of gorgeous cyclists at the ride, but I only had time to shoot photos of a few of them.

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