Friday, June 11, 2010

BeZerkeley Zebra

You can tell this woman is a utilitarian cyclist and not just a woman in a dress walking a bike because of her messenger bag and sunglasses. Mostly the messenger bag. I love the way she is seemingly accidentally color-coordinated with her bike, and I'm a little bit in love with the bright yellow water bottle holders on the black and white road bike.

A lot of people chat on the phone while riding their bikes. Not me. And especially not on trafficky Shattuck Avenue. But even with both hands occupied, this zebra lady is handling herself with ease.

Years ago, I was walking at this very spot, and a guy on a bike rode onto the sidewalk. He was in complete control, but an elderly woman became incensed by his presence with 5 feet of her on the sidewalk. She turned to me, her face creased with rage: "did you see that?"

I didn't get what the big deal was, but she seemed really upset. I replied "I wonder if you should try meditating."

Yeah, that didn't go over very well. She began screeching at me about Jesus. I'm not into organized religion for myself, but don't get me wrong, Jesus is way cool. I don't see having a calm mind and loving Jesus as being mutually exclusive. In fact, I'm pretty sure He has some messages about not hurling stones, sharing, loving thy neighbors, etc.

Unfortunately, there's a perception of opposition between religious and spiritual systems and between bicyclists and pedestrians. But in fact, we're all on the same team. Was there something else I should have said to that woman?

1 comment:

Mitja said...

Just to be contrarian, I'll say that it is possible she was freaked out about being hit even if it was unrealistic. One fall and it can be curtains, or a quick road downhill, if you're pretty old.