Sunday, April 27, 2008

Human Extinction

A friend recently got a vasectomy. He referred me to the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement as we discussed it. I’d definitely heard of them before, but I took the time to read through some of the site this time. They make some good arguments. I take a slightly more existential view of the matter. Nothing really matters; so, I do what I want to do regardless of the selfishness of that act.

Of course, as a carfree advocate, I combat this very same reasoning when I try to convince people to make smarter transportation choices. People get a lot of joy from children and cars. I just see cars as, hopefully, slightly less personally meaningful. Social pressure supports both desires. Reproduction has an additional push from hormones.

In one section of the website, they discuss the purpose of sex no longer being for procreation but instead for pairing. Pairing requires consistency to build trust. Another friend mentioned last night that men are biologically predisposed to want to have sex with as many women as possible. This also happens in women. Trust me. This desire combats the desire to pair; each precludes the other. Choose one.

But more than anything I found the site mean. Meanness is not compelling. …Even in elementary school bullies. See how that works? Did I lose you?

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