Friday, March 09, 2007

Where it hurts

I help people get to work by what we call "alternative modes": public transportation, rideshare, bike, foot.... You can imagine that that means I have to know how to get there by each of these modes. So, yesterday morning starting at 5 AM, we biked the 45 miles to work. Of course, this is also really good multitasking since I need to start training for an event I, in a moment of apparent insanity, registered for a while back.

My body is letting me know that I haven't really been on a bike in several months. I feel it mostly in my butt and the inside of my knees. But I'm not actually suffering. What did hurt was getting up that early after a week of not getting enough sleep already. I went to bed at 9 PM last night.

So, I find myself working in the belly of the beast. It feels pretty good. Each day, I say at least something that could offend someone, and sometimes I don't realize it until I get home and mull over my day. That hurts too.

1 comment:

Eastcoastdweller said...

45 miles?

You are a trooper.

Good for you.