Tuesday, November 08, 2005

How to vote

No, I am not going tell you what to think about each position, initiative and proposition. I do want to list how I decide how to vote and where I tend to look for more information. Remember, democracy is a muscle; use it or lose it.

The best thing to do first is to read your voter information guides and decide what you think. While doing so, take a look at who is for and against each issue/person to see if you see a pattern. These things are complicated, and there could be matters what you didn't completely understand based on the information presented. So check your findings based on the endorsements and analyses at:
spur.org -- I think this one is particularly clear.
rescuemuni.org -- I nearly always do what Rescue Muni says.

Especially in SF, you have to be careful of political alliances. People sometime endorse or oppose other people or issues bc they need to be allied with the BOS or the Mayor (for example). (I am not going to name any names.) This doesn't mean it's best for the City. So, make sure you understand what's going on, and be sure to decide for yourself.

Happy Election Day!

PS, please let me know where else I should be looking. Thanks.

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