Thursday, February 04, 2010

Mazatlan, January 2009

I'm not going to lie to you. 2009 was one of my least favorite years to date. Relationship drama, friend drama, health drama, you-name-it drama all decorated the otherwise structurally-powerful tree of the year. My vacations were wonderful: Alaska rocks the house, and France was beautiful though emotionally-intense due to M's cancer treatment.

Early in the year, I went to Mexico for a week to make art. I've been procrastinating editing those photos all year bc I didn't want to deal with the feelings I associate with adjacent times. But now that I have, they're stunning. Check them out.


Slow Factory said...

I am stunned.

Emma J said...

mmm . . . nice. Love the fronds caught in the iron railing against fuschia wall and the counter of flying fish steaks especially.