Monday, March 02, 2009

I'm not old; I have a job! ...or Crazy Hair

OK, maybe I'm middle aged. But that's not the point....

One of our magnificent Planner 1s went to Vegas for her birthday last weekend. She returned to work this morning exhausted and with no voice. She's had a cold recently, but she says she lost her voice from partying.

I carpooled home with another coworker. I told him "I was partying like a rock star until about a year ago, and then I just got old. Eleven rolls around, and I have to go to bed. My friends have had trouble adjusting. I think they feel betrayed." He said, "it might be the job." Ta Da! It might be the job.

(I recommend to all people: lose your job, regain your youth!)

The other thing I've noticed lately about myself is crazy hair. A girl I went to college with used to say "crazy hair = crazy person." Here's the difference: I've stopped caring if I have crazy hair. I feel better with crazy hair. I think this is my subconscious effort to drive people away from me because my heart is broken.

That said, my heart is almost always broken. As KT says, I am a perfect "4" in the Enneagram (4=the tragic romantic or the artist). I just don't always do things to drive people away... or maybe I do. The point is, our psyche has a range of ways of ensuring that we get what we need emotionally, and sometimes that's a personal desire for crazy hair for example.

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