Saturday, February 04, 2006

Friday night is Ladies' Night

The girls met up last night at Jade, a hip nightspot with an indoor waterfall and $2 cocktails until 7:30. Of course, it was crowded, and we quickly tired of shouting at each other to be heard. We wondered what kind of people seek out and stay in that environment on a Friday night with their friends – do they spend the whole day working quietly at a computer and need to buzz of frenetic human interaction to unwind? It was the only explanation we could imagine.

A short jaunt a pied to Market delivered up to the Octavia Piano Bar (not sure what’s it’s actually called, but something with Octavia in the name). The other ladies noticed a skinny man with an amazing Jew-fro smoking outside; he didn’t fit in. The mystery was quickly solved when he sat down at the piano to serenade us with “we’re in the money.” Yeah right.

Fortunately, that didn’t last long. Another pianist (this time with wavy hair) took the seat and played show tunes that I didn’t know (is that possible??!) while kids from the local performing arts high school took the stage to amaze us with their vocal stylings. I have had the misfortune to have watched a couple episodes of American Idol recently, and Simon would have found something profoundly insulting to say to each of these kids. They WERE super cute. Shanti pointed out that her sister, who is now a super amazing performer, was pretty bad at 15 too. We ate; the food was fine. I would go there again. The City doesn’t have enough piano bars.

From there, we joined the relevant boys (and a whole lot of irrelevant ones) at Place Pagale (unlike the Jets and the Sharks, we could actually enjoy the same divvy, smokers’ bar). Marshall was RULING the pool table, and the rest of us sat around and bantered until he got sick of all the bad players there and quit. However, that’s where the blissful unity ended, and the remaining ladies went for a crepe (I, on the other hand, had more fries) while the gentlemen for pizza, down the block.

Why am I telling you this? Well, of course, cuz it was fun. It might even happen again someday.

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