Thursday, November 11, 2004

Democracy in America? Not anymore....

It has come to my attention that many of my friends back home have not heard about the problems with our last "election". Here are some sources of information (in English -- the French media, which I still can't actually read, has covered this extensively).

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hartmann notes that in “Dixie County, with 4,988 registered voters,
77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as Republicans, only
1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush. The pattern
repeats over and over again – but only in the smaller counties where,
it was probably assumed, the small voter numbers wouldn’t be much

I looked into the numbers, and you know what? He’s right. The numbers
do look out of whack. But when I picked up the phone and called my new
friend Sydney Dosh , editor, publisher and, apparently, the weekend
secretary, of the Dixie County Advocate and asked him what he thought
about the huge discrepancy between the number of registered Dems and
the actual votes for Kerry he had a much more mundane answer:

“This county has always been Democratic. The Sheriff’s a Democrat, the
County Supervisor is a Democrat. My daddy was a Democrat, my
grand-daddy was a Democrat, his daddy was a Democrat. That’s the way it
has alway been. But it’s a very conservative county. We vote
conservative on the national level.”

The county voted overwhelmingly for Bush in 2000, Dosh explained,
adding, “We like to joke if it wasn’t for Dixie County Bush wouldn’t be

When I asked him whether this was likely the case in other rural
Florida counties, he said, “Sure.”

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who knows Southern history. The
Democrats were the party of slavery, and up until Lyndon Johnson
wrecked havoc on America’s racial apartheid in the 60s it was the party
of conservative whites throughout Dixieland. As Dosh explained many
“conservatives” (read whites) have kept their Democratic Party
affiliation because on the local level the Democrat (or “Dixiecrat”)
machines still run the show.

Note from LS: has everyone else seen the geographic comparisons between voting patterns in 2004 with slave/north states in the civil war? they match. (Kathleen sent me these maps, but I can't post images on the blog unfortunately.)