Friday, July 13, 2007

Quick update

I mentioned earlier that I've become one of "those people" which now turns out to mean that I don't even have the time to blog that I want. A few things I want to tell you about are:
1) I biked to work again yesterday except this time we took the hilly route about 50 miles took 5 hours. My companions were 3 strapping young men all very patient with me. And the ride was SO BEAUTIFUL I hardly know what to say to communicate that to you. I think the hilly route is probably worth the climbs and extra 15 miles for the views.
2) I went to LA the other weekend and had a great time. I also lost my sunglasses in the ocean. I want to describe the trip in greater detail.
3) The Slate Gabfest discussed "slicing the apple" of the war in Iraq. I think this is an interesting idea worth picking apart.
4) Charlie did a group reading of their creative writing Wednesday night, and I jotted down a few ideas and turns of phrase I like. I bought the book so should be able to reference accurately.
5) Book review of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Consider it all forthcoming.
Photo by Allen Tom

1 comment:

Kristin Tieche said...

E gads! A five-hour commute to work! You go!