Friday, May 06, 2005

May 5

Alt title "What is wrong with me." (not ?)

So, about 3 weeks ago, my French conversation buddy, Tim, and I planned to meet next last night. We usually meet on Mondays, but he's going to Europe soon, and his schedule is getting all crazy. Then about 2 weeks ago I was alone at an art gallery opening (66 Balmy, one of my favorites) as usual and ran into this artist, whose name I'll add later since I don't remember how to spell it (Phil Dv...) and has a class at the same time as mine and also rides a bicycle. (He does these figures, usually female, very contour based, but sometimes with nice smudges and other times he abstracts the figures, meshing them all together and nipples end up on the tops of feet, etc. It's cool stuff. Usually erotic, but sometimes grotesque. I esp like it when the figure is wearing nail polish.) Anyway, we were having a conversation slightly less awkward than usual (why is that?) bc I had had 3 cocktails at the Monkey Club bf arriving. Turned out he was opening a solo show, and the reception party was May 5.

It took me a few days to cross check my calendar, but when I did, I emailed Tim to ask if we could meet earlier, later, or at the gallery. (Are you sobbing from boredom yet?) He said he wanted to meet at the gallery. Fast forward another week or so, Jess sends out on the listserv for our group of friends (the planners) an announcement of another gallery reception at the office/gallery of someone who does stuff like what we do. I reply that I can probably come at the end, forward it to Tim, and call it a day.

Well, you know how I am always winning things? Then I win tickets to one of the Big House theaters shows that night. Obviously I can't go. Until Tim emails back that his gf needs his assistance at a book signing, and he can't make it. But let's see, who to invite? The planners are all at the gallery (it's rude to propose a competing event). I'm seeing Elizabeth the previous night. Jay has Kung Fu. (The list goes on like this.) The only person I can think of is Tam, who I'm dying to see but, it turns out has house guests she can't get away from.

Back to the gallery plan. I send an email to the planners saying that I will go and not be late.

But I'm so tired. I feel like I should at least make an appearance at Phil's reception. At the same time, I'd prefer to stay home and watch TV. Ugh! Then Gabe calls. We have a funny relationship for me anyway. Maybe he's like this with all his friends. But he calls me, usually about 2 hours bf he wants to do something, usually involving free tickets that someone gave him. This time he's got tickets to the closing film at the film fest and the closing party. He says he calling around and whoever says yes first gets to be his "fun date for the night". The movie is at the Castro Theater.

I figure I can go to Phil's at 6 (when it starts) then take the underground (which is faster than biking) up to Castro and meet him just in time for the film, 7. I say yes, and email the planners that now I am not coming at all. I sit down for a wholesome meal of cheese and crackers and wonder if I am getting sick. My bladder feels funny. So, I drink about a gallon of water and read my alumni magazine while prone on the couch. Gabe calls back; have I had any second thoughts?
Me: You got a better offer?
G: no....
This continues, and finally I learn that this woman he has a crush on finally called back and can go. I bow out gracefully, seeing as what I really want to do is stay home and watch TV, and let them have their "fun date". Plus, now he owes me big time. . I decide the send my alum magazine an update and photos from Sara's wedding last year. This takes much longer than it should, and the photos are too big, and I can't seem to open Photoshop to make them smaller.

It's almost getting dark, which is a bit of a drag on a bike, and I head downtown towards the galleries. I talk with Phil about finger smudges and then he passes me off to this artist woman he'd been talking to. We chat pleasantly for a few minutes. She's obsessed with selling art (I have the luxury of never having to think about this). I can't decide if she's very young or annoying or nice and interesting. "Well, it's been nice talking with you." She says but doesn't move. I am thinking that she's leaving. She says something to her husband. He leaves. We chat a bit longer, and she makes some comment about how many interesting people there are to talk with and how she'd like to mingle. I agree. She doesn't move. Anyway, this happens a few more times until finally I walk away, thinking she has some kind of brain damage from her paint fumes or something. I look at a few more pieces and she'd back talking with Phil. Maybe she's one of his groupies?

I swung by the other gallery. It's pretty dead and the planners are gone. The art is OK; some of the pieces nice, but just not really my aesthetic. I have another glass of wine and some broccoli. I speak with no one. I go home and watch TV.

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