1) traffic (I got home too late to go to yoga)
2) inertia (fuzzy slippers on)
3) hulu (I've already watched everything)
I find myself at a loss of what to do. Of course I should just go to bed, but I haven't had quite enough interaction for the day yet. So, I won't.
I have photos I should process and networking I should initiate, but not much interest in either. Instead, I'll try to catch you up on some of my latest adventures. I have been doing my very best to make the most of this one little life.
The Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival is still my favorite thing to happen in San Francisco all year, and I love a lot of things that happen here. Overall, it was way too crowded -- I want to tell them to charge a small fee or make the stages more spread out or something, but I doubt any of that is feasible.
I made it Friday night to see Lyle Lovett and his big band, most striking was the man with the unbelievable low voice. I said to Danielle: "If you were born with a voice like that, you'd be obligate to sing." I don't care for the cheeseburger song -- I think it makes light of lost love, which is sacred, but I enjoyed many songs they played that I hadn't heard before. We both loved Keep it in Your Pantry which makes light of lover's paranoia which is not sacred. I love cookies too. The moon rose over the trees and broke our hearts again.

Saturday, I arrived in time for Steve Martin who was funny every now and then and played some nice bluegrass. Then, I went to another stage for the Songwriter Circle, and Dar talked about urban chickens (one of my favorite people talking about one of my favorite things). Allison Moorer had an unbelievably beautiful voice, she kind of overshadowed everyone else. Next, another stage served Nick Lowe well -- I discovered him last year at this Festival. Then back to our little green blanket at the big stage for Gillian Welch, who is awesome, and had Emmylou Harris join her on the stage for a couple songs. I snuck away right after Steve Earle began to play as it was getting cold and I exhausted.
I had big plans for Sunday but again got trapped by my fuzzy slippers. It sure was a magnificent weekend.
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