Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bar Debate

I did something fun last night. I watched the presidential debate in a bar. I don't know why this had never occurred to me to do before. We had plans for happy hour that turned out to coincide both with the debate and with the bar having an event in its honor.

Two problems arose: 1) the bar became incredibly crowded. We had to stand the whole time. 2) we couldn't actually speak to each other because, well, the debate was on. In some cases, that would have been more interesting.

I read a review of the debate this morning because I need to be told what to think about politics. I learned that both candidates are boring (who hasn't been?) -- I was definitely bored, and that while McCain preformed better, the debate was a tie leaving Obama still in the lead.

I found this paragraph particularly interesting: "There was lots of great body language to read. Obama looks down when he's saying something unpleasant—like delivering an attack on his opponent. Obama looked at the audience more (as Kennedy did in 1960), McCain talked to the moderator (as Nixon had). When McCain was talking, Obama looked at him, like he was a listener. McCain stared straight ahead when Obama was speaking, which at times made it appear as if Obama was scolding him for denting the car." Slate
I'm also curious if anyone is going to talk about their tie choices: I like Obama's better. McCain's stripes gave me a headache.

I've got to run off to the gallery, but I wanted to post something not completely self-absorbed for a change. No, I am not freaking out about the state of the economy.

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