My mother (the one who gave birth to me) and I went to Paris Plage again (I can’t quite get enough of it),

another crepe (I can’t quite get enough of them), and rode the 69 bus which Rick Steves says passes by all the important monuments in Paris.
We didn’t get very far on the bus, as someone had parked their moped on the outside of the 2-wheeler parking zone on a narrow corner. Rather than attempt a 3-point turn, the bus operator preferred to wait for the moped owner to move his bike.

We met J at Place d’Italie at 5 and visited the nearby Asia town per my request. Then she surprised us by showing us Butte aux Cailles, a quiet little village in central Paris with its own fresh water spring. It used to be the center for the communist party; now it just has the some workers’ cooperatives and cute tree-lined streets with restaurants serving food at sidewalk tables.

Dinner was lamb which had grazed on the salty hills next to Le Mont St. Michel in Normandy with vegetables from my mother’s garden. M and I watched The Songcatcher after an extended conversation over dinner about lullabies because we were all so tired. M’s English is basically perfect, but she couldn’t understand perfectly when the mountain people spoke in the movie. We should have put on the subtitles. We both really enjoyed the movie and the music it was about.
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