Friday, December 26, 2008

what i learned today...

My alarm went off at 9:30 this morning (after I re-set it when it went off at 6:30) because I had to move Marie Lyse's car at 10. Now I don't have to move it again until Tuesday. Amazing how easy it for this religiously carfree woman to slip into the concerns my car-full friends have.

I listened to NPR for a while this morning. They discussed the Story Corps Project in honor of the national day of listening when people are asked to spend an hour listening to their loved ones. One recorded story was of a couple, deeply in love, Danny and Annie. I jotted down a quote from Danny (may be inaccurate), "No matter how bad your day was, (when you're married) you always have a shelter to come home to....Being married is like living in color, you never want to go back to black and white."

The next Forum was about the Science of Happiness. They discussed all the usual things like doing things outside yourself, getting exercise and being grateful. I was a bit disappointed by the lack of new information, but I guess that means I'm now a happiness expert. My mother gave me for xmas the book How We Choose to Be Happy. I'll be sure to let you know if I learn anything.

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