Tuesday, January 18, 2011

punk homeless BART chic

This woman totally blew my mind. I don't even know where to start; so, I'll let the photo speak its thousand words.

Ride on, girlfriend.

Monday, January 17, 2011

typical in Portland?

I saw this in Portland, OR last fall. Given that the city is a US bicycle Mecca, I wonder if the people prefer unicycles even more because one wheel is less resource intensive than two?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pregnant Chic

My sister snapped this photo as we were biking around Golden Gate Park when I was about 7 months pregnant. Sometimes your best asset is the person in your uterus (as opposed to the person on your arm as the saying usually goes).

But seriously, one of my personal campaigns to promote bicycling as a mainstream form of transportation is to help people to understand that it can be safe for our more vulnerable populations (children, pregnant women, etc.) if we just have the infrastructure in place and drivers learn how to share the road. To do that, I am "acting as if" it is -- since it is for a seasoned cyclist like myself. Someone has to set an example!

I stopped biking a few weeks after this photo was taken mostly because I got tired of my knees hitting my belly when I peddled. I'm hoping to get back to it, sans baby (who can't ride until her neck is strong enough to hold up a helmet -- about 1 year), next week when I am no longer "disabled" per gov't policy for women who have had a normal delivery.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Summer is just a few months away.

This one smacks of summer. She's even riding in flip flops, which I do NOT recommend! In these dark days of winter, remember the time when we can comfortably ride our bikes with bare arms and toes. It will return!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

red tights on Caltrain

You can't miss the florescent red tights...

...but also notice that her handlebars match her purse, and her purse is rigged up to attach beautifully to her rear rack.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ramona Wheelright

You probably already know Ramona. She's a fellow bike enthusiast and blogger.

Check out her awesome Soma drop-bar frame bike, too. I think she told me she customized it herself! H O T, hu?

PS, I'm at home with my new baby for now, but she no longer requires me undivided attention 24-7. So, I'll be housekeeping photos and blog entries too. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yes, the baby came.

...just two days past our "guess date". I am delighted to report that we are both healthy, and the birth was 100% natural.