Saturday, December 22, 2007

Getting to the Point... or the possiblity of getting to the point

I never got to the point in my last post. I've been a bit preoccupied, and I'm not even participating in the holidays this year. Maybe it was obvious to my readers, but I was trying to make the point that life, like art, is up to the liver (seasonal pun?), or artist, to decide. When I say I wouldn't die for anything, I am also saying that I don't expect others to either, but that is ultimately up to them.

The humor of the Onion article is probably obvious enough to this point. I just like to say things explicitly. It gets murky when you extrapolate staying alive to maintaining a relationship. History shows that, while I will fight tooth and nail to keep something going, I am also willing to walk away completely if I feel the situation isn't beneficial to me. That is, if a relationship isn't conducive to my goals, I choose me.

Who's to say which is better: pancakes, relationship, or life. I'll buy the argument conceptually that it depends on the quality of each. But in practice, I can't imagine compromising the life card. Afterall, it is my biological imperative to live as long as possible, reproduce and then keep my offspring alive as long as possible. I'm not going to argue with biology. It's bigger than I am and can beat me up.


Mom said...

footnote to the end of the first paragraph: I'm talking about dying for a cause or another person. I am not advocating suicide.

Anonymous said...

I think I agree with you in general about the value of life and self. I tried to think about the question you raised but got sick. I need to get back to it, but thank you for providing food for thoughts. BTW, are you trying to tell ther readers that you are pregnant? If so, congratulations.

Mom said...

not pregnant
Sorry I made you sick.