Monday, September 12, 2005

Artist biographies

I've been reading the Agony and the Ecstasy, a biographical novel by Irving Stone and really enjoying it. Since I have pretty much decided that my next career will be as a world-class artist, it makes sense for me to learn about about other artists (yeah, I mean more than I did as an art major in college; I do things better now). But I don't like to read crap. So, I decided to check the Internet (and the Internet is always right, of course*), and I only found one "best of" artist biographies list:
I'll probably also read Stone's book on Van Gogh, even tho it isn't on the list, not because it is fantastically written (it isn't) but it's good clean fun, sort of a highbrown topic in a lowbrow package. It appears that I like that sort of thing.

* As a brief aside, one of those dumb little things that some of us (those of us who spend too much time web surfing, say is "I found it on the Internet so it must be true", knowing full well that the Internet contains a whole lot of crap. My mother (I think it was) took this to a whole new level the other day when she said "my friend read it on the Internet," adding a whole new level of unreliability, like veils of gauze between ourselves and any possible truth.

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