Monday, August 16, 2004

A horse of La Vienne

Days here are filled with eating, napping, walking around the village or visiting friends nearby. Today I took a long walk starting down a nearby alley where there is a beautiful black horse. The first few times I met him, he ignored me. I tried to use a coxing tone to bring him near so I could pet his nose, but he refused. I tried again the next day after a few kirs, a soft tone in French (I am able to speak a little French when I drink or, once years ago, after I hit my head falling off a bicycle). This time he responded to being told he is “beau” and “fort”. I was permitted to pet his neck and face. I think once my French is a little better, he may let me pet his nose.

I happened upon a bicycle race (I think my first one). I was amazed at the power and force with which the cyclists flew by making only a whooshing sound. Of course, it is always nice to see strong boys in those outfits. I was impressed.

Last night, my parent’s friends Katriona and Orley dropped in (at about 3 AM) driving between their Tuscan and London houses. This morning the town was all a buzz as it is having a brocante (basically a town-wide flea market that happens once a year in each town). Music played, the merry-go-round went round, and kitsch mugs featuring Joan of Arch are offered for 100 euros. We ate croissant and coffee/tea. Orley does work sort of like mine, and we discussed our various projects and ideas for the future.

But we all have work we should be doing, and sometimes we make a little effort to do it. My next project is to describe my days leading up to arriving here, when I stayed with Bertrand in Strasbourg.

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