Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Word meanings

A few weeks back I heard a program on NPR about the origins of English words and how we can learn from them for every day life. I jotted down a few that I liked with the idea of doing a post on it, but then it got lost in the piles and never happened. I’m trying to clean up my desk (improve its feng shui and the like) as my life gears up. (It seems to take about 3 months to get back in the center of things, and I’m half way thru that.) So, here are the words, their meanings and some commentary:

Disappointed – literally means not chose. When you feel not chosen, ask yourself, are you choosing?
Adore – a gift, where you place your energy, speaking (what you speak of?)
Listen – to list or lean forward, a whole body experience
Patience – to suffer, the same root as passion; so, it means passionate expectation, trust in the universe that it will all work out.
Nice – ignorant, not investing

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